Web development using php

We have a system that keeps track of homeowners. It is programmed in php. Does your company work in the area of web development? And do you have people that know php? Computer programming is not our thing! I see that you are in Maryland, just outside of Washington DC. That would be perfect for us b/c we are located in Germantown. Thanks, hope to hear from you oon!

Al (Germantown)

One thought on “Web development using php

  1. Al,
    We definitely have progrmmers on staff who know php. We have done several web development projects using php and MySQL. Php is an older but trusted language for web development and is used by many companies. Also, Germantown is quite close to us, as our company is in Gaithersburg. I look forward to hearing more about your homeowners project and hope we can help you out.

    Will Corbin, President
    CCD, LLC

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